With the majority of spirit produced at Ardmore going towards blends, we are delighted to welcome this 11 year old expression to the Original Collection. The spirit used in this vatting spent the final four years of maturation in ruby port casks, giving rich fruity notes such as strawberries, red currants and cherries. This fruitiness is balanced out perfectly with notes of smoked rhubarb and smoked bacon crisps.
Artikelnummer : 4052
Produzent / Destillerie : J & A Mitchell & Co Ltd. · Cadenhead's
Land : Schottland
Region : Highland Region
Reifung : Ruby Port Casks
Alter : 11 Jahre
Alkoholgehalt : 46% ABV
Inhalt : 0,7 l
Besonderheiten : Ohne Farbstoff · Ohne Kältefiltrierung